Monday, March 16, 2009

the long day

get up at 6:15AM: eat greek yogurt with honey: coffee read paper and email: check futures: wake Madeline: wake up and dress Liza: get Madeline some breakfast: Liza is asleep on the couch: finally get Liza to eat: get Liza, Madeline and David in the car: drive Madeline to school: drive David and Liza to school: Liza is four: David 18: Liza is a daycare at David's high school the career center: go back back and get my basses: go to Wake Forest and teach from 10 till 2: go meet Madeline at Bus stop: go home and read email: get Madeline a snack: check out her home work assignments: go get Liza and David: come back home: go get Sarah 14 from her after school thing: come home feed the girls: take Madeline to dance: go get Madeline at dance: eat some smoked gouda: do some email stuff: get Liza bathed: read stories put her to bed much easier said then done: 11:20PM ahhhhh time for an Imperial Stout and I'm writing this:::::::::: good night all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They say--If it doesn't kill you, it makes you strong...hang in
there...there are rewards.